Monday, March 2, 2009

Auto Generated email for Sharepoint Workflow

Method used for sending email is in “Microsoft।SharePoint।Utilities” This helps you to send email through sharepoint web application, custom workflow using

The SPUtility.SendEmail method enables you to send an email from the context of a SharePoint Web (SPWeb) object. The SMTP settings associated with the SPWeb object are used to send the email. The method returns a boolean value that represents whether the email was sent successfully.

SPUtility.SendEmail Method (Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities)
SPUtility.SendEmail (SPWeb, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, String)

SPWeb thisWeb = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context);
string toField = "";
string subject = "Test Message";
string body = "Message sent from SharePoint";
bool success = SPUtility.SendEmail(thisWeb,true, true, toField, subject, body);
catch (Exception ex)
// handle exception

Sunday, January 25, 2009

MOSS architecture

Figure: MOSS architecture (

MOSS services

  • Search
  • Index
  • Audience compilation
  • User profiles database
  • My Sites
  • Business Data Catalogue
  • Excel Services

Collaboration Portal:

It is called ‘Collaboration Portal', not ‘portal’ and it is just another type of site collection that is hosted on an IIS site (called web applications in MOSS). Portals no longer contain any application services such as search, my site. All these services now have to come from an SSP. This means that all you need to host a portal is a web server and a place to put the content database.